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  • Sine o’ the Times

    Prince. Animation. Math! Charlie Hoey on how you can make computers do beautiful things with a little math and wits alone.

    Charlie Hoey
  • Screens from the Marathon app.

    How a Start-Up Founder Manages Its Backlog

    Finding the right balance between bug fixes, user feedback, tech debt, and new features took the Marathon team time and practice. Founder Josh Pensky shares what he learned through ten releases, thirteen sprints, and six months of trial and error.

    Josh Pensky
  • A collage like illustration of silhouetted tourists posing in front of a giant GPU in a roadside attraction

    Your GPU is a Place

    Why knowing the geography of your motherboard matters when it comes to optimizing graphics and animation. If you’ve ever attempted a casual conversation with a graphics engineer, they’ve probably worked the word “shader” in somewhere. If pressed (and even if…

    Charlie Hoey
  • Screens showing the flow

    Building a Multi-Step Checkout Form from Scratch

    If you’ve ever shopped online, you’re probably familiar with the multiple steps that it takes to check out. First, you fill out your basic contact information; then, your shipping address; next, your payment information and billing address; and finally, review…

    Josh Pensky
  • Apprenticeship Diaries: From Ice Cream to Code

    Follow along with our engineering apprentice Lauren Kessell as she documents her time at Upstatement. Welcome to the first installment of the Apprenticeship Diaries. I’m three months into my engineering apprenticeship at Upstatement, and I’m finally figuring out what I…

    Lauren Kessell
  • All About Apprenticeships: Engineering Edition

    Upstatement’s long-running apprenticeship program is one of our favorite parts of the job. We’re often asked how the program works, why we do it, and what an apprentice can expect. Engineering manager Beatrice Huang is here with the answers. Most…

    Bea Huang
  • Pair Programming: Best Practices for Teams

    Pair programming is productive and fun. Well, “fun-for-work” fun, at least. Our engineers share the ins and outs of pairing and how it led to a happier team and better work. If you read tech blogs, then you’ve no doubt…

    Anahit Gulian, Caitlin Wang, and Scott Batson
  • Making Service Journalism into a Product

    How we designed and made Up the Block, a new type of digital news product for underserved communities. For years, Upstatement has collaborated with The Trace, the premier newsroom reporting on American gun violence. We’ve learned…

    James Muspratt
  • Integrating Algolia Search with WordPress Multisite

    At Upstatement, we recently wrapped up a project where one of the more notable engineering tasks was implementing global search for a large WordPress multisite network. We were tasked with revamping the web experience for a college of a…

    Brittany Chiang
  • PBS Newshour election coverage collage

    Building Custom Elements with Web Components for the 2020 Elections

    I don’t know if you knew this, but there’s an election going on. There are approximately 89 people in the democratic race and a lot of primaries coming up that could determine the future of our country. So when …

    Scott Batson

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