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  • Flowchart defining community in the product world.

    Upstatement Roundtable: Why we’re wary of the ‘community-centered design’ label

    A glimpse of our roundtable workshop We’ve been exploring how to tackle community-centered design without losing sight of the fact that communities are made up of individuals. What’s the right way to approach users in the context of communities, and…

  • Sine o’ the Times

    Prince. Animation. Math! Charlie Hoey on how you can make computers do beautiful things with a little math and wits alone.

    Charlie Hoey
  • Organizational Change Management is the Key to the Creative Process

    A thoughtful process should not only support organizational change, but encourage it.

    Allie Castro
  • Content Editors Are Users Too: Why We User Test Our CMS Builds

    A CMS isn't just a means to an end—something you need to manage your website. It's an important tool for content editors in achieving your organization's strategic goals.

    Abby Conway
  • Screens from the Marathon app.

    How a Start-Up Founder Manages Its Backlog

    Finding the right balance between bug fixes, user feedback, tech debt, and new features took the Marathon team time and practice. Founder Josh Pensky shares what he learned through ten releases, thirteen sprints, and six months of trial and error.

    Josh Pensky
  • Images of AI-created magazine covers.

    The AI Art Director

    Working with generative AI to hit new creative highs.

    Scott Dasse
  • Sharing a New Brand with Your Higher Ed Community

    The world of higher ed has especially passionate stakeholders, and a strategically-managed redesign process and rollout is critical to earning buy-in from students, faculty, alumni, and fans. We asked our collaborators at various universities what they learned during their redesign rollouts; here’s their advice for how to get your new brand off to the right start.

  • Heart illustration

    4 Lessons We Learned On Our Way to a 4-Day Work Week

    4DWW helped us find new flexibility and made for happier, healthier teams. And it might help you, too. In 2022, Upstatement started experimenting with a 4-Day Work Week, and after measuring the results I’m happy to say that our…

    Tito Bottitta
  • A collage like illustration of silhouetted tourists posing in front of a giant GPU in a roadside attraction

    Your GPU is a Place

    Why knowing the geography of your motherboard matters when it comes to optimizing graphics and animation. If you’ve ever attempted a casual conversation with a graphics engineer, they’ve probably worked the word “shader” in somewhere. If pressed (and even if…

    Charlie Hoey
  • Everytown data visualization components, designed by Upstatement

    Using Data Visualization to Drive Change  

    How we helped Everytown turn legal surveys into a tool for change.

    Abby Conway

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