Commonwealth Fusion Systems is entering its next stage of growth. To meet the opportunities ahead, they needed to tell a compelling story to a few different key audiences: prospective hires, the media, NGOs, and environmental action groups.
That meant storytelling that does a lot of different things: emphasizing ethos to attract mission-driven prospective hires; proactively providing an educational communications resource to influence vocabulary and concepts that the media can draw upon for a public narrative; and positioning CFS as a partner in the fight against climate change with data about fusion’s potential impact for NGOs who influence policy on local and federal levels.

In conjunction with the brand messaging, we developed a visual identity and website. The identity needed to be both memorable and dependable—something that distinguishes CFS within the energy industry, without feeling too avant-garde for such a serious scientific undertaking.

The design has a clean base inspired by patent drawings. The sweeping, zoomed-out imagery alludes to the ‘big picture’ and reinforces the idea that this is something that could make a profound positive impact on humanity and the earth.
The illustrated diagrams, explainer animations, and photo shoot in the CFS labs provide a sense of transparency and innovation. A visitor feels that CFS is an optimistic, trusted authority on the topic.

Surfacing CFS’s powerful story, people, and potential gives the company credibility and establishes them as one of the crucial allies in the fight against climate change. Explore their technology and check on their progress at